Introducing the UK's highest-quality long-term polling data

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Unite AI

Westminster Voting Intention

Fieldwork | 24th June | 1999 UK Adults

Question asked: Which party do you intend to vote for in the upcoming general election?

LAB: 35% (-5)
CON: 17% (-1)
REF: 17% (+2)
LIBDEM: 12% (+3)
GRN: 7% (-)

Polling data that shows how the UK really feels

Every two weeks we poll a 2000 person representative sample of the UK population to track voting intention, government approval, and 18 long-term issues - everything from mood to perceptions of AI.

10 Jun 2024

How much support is there to rejoin the EU or EEA?
Do people find election debates useful?
Is there support to change election policy?
Who should replace Rishi Sunak?

27 May 2024

How does the nation feel about the conservatives national service plans?
Should mortgages be tax deductible?
Do you prefer the NHS or private medical?
Is cash on the way out?

13 May 2024

Do you think crime is on the rise?
Which crimes have increased the most?
Thoughts on the baby reindeer scandal?

29 April 2024

Has the Ukraine war increased your support for nuclear weapons?
Have you voted tactically?
What should the voting age be?

15 April 2024

Are you apathetic about the next election?
Would different political leaders impact your vote?

2 April 2024

Do you think your children are safe to use AI?
Is the government doing enough to ensure AI is safe?
What would you be willing to give up to ensure your party won the next election?

18 March 2024

Do you have a side hustle?
Do you understand the EU AI act?Should the UK ban TikTok?

4 March 2024

What do you want to see in the budget?
How regularly do you see deepfakes?
What is the biggest risk from deepfakes?
Have you fallen victim to deepfakes?

19 Feb 2024

How concerned are you about AI interference in elections?
Should phones be banned in schools?

5 Feb 2024

Should AI companies be forced to work with governments?
How will AI impact jobs?
Are you concerned about the spectre of war and conscription?

22 Jan 2024

Which issues will be most important in the UK election?
Concern about AI interference in elections

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Publications featuring Prolific

Read about companies leveraging Prolific polling.

Authenticity’s fragile frontier in the AI era
We explored the ethical challenges of deepfakes, highlighting their potential to erode trust through scams and misinformation, while also acknowledging positive uses in education and health.
Read it
Importance of human feedback
We emphasised the importance of human feedback in AI development to address bias and improve social reasoning.
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