Get high-quality, 100% human data in minutes

Your data is only as good as the people behind it. Capture diverse, reliable insights with our 200,000+ verified and fairly treated global crowd.

Trusted by researchers at thousands of organizations


Authentic human feedback

Our crowd is 100% human, carefully recruited, and thoroughly verified for quality and authenticity. No bots, no fake identities, and no AI—just real human feedback, every time.

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Sourced and verified by Prolific

We don’t outsource our most important asset: people. Our crowd is fully ours, and we never share or rely on other panels. While competitors claim 'millions' of respondents, our 200,000+ participants are active and ready to deliver responses in minutes. 

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Gold standard for ethical practices

Prolific sets the gold standard for crowdsourced research by treating participants fairly, ensuring diversity, and prioritizing ethical practices. Our participant payments are effort-based with a minimum rate of $8.00/£6.00 per hour, guaranteeing fair compensation. We deliver fully auditable, bias-mitigated, and bot-free data that meets the highest standards.

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Unlock rich and accurate insights from 200,000+ verified participants

Get instant access to highly engaged, reliable respondents from a global, multilingual pool. With Prolific, you’ll get fast, precise, and actionable data every time.

Global language proficiency
Collect rich and multicultural insights from a global crowd with a presence in over 38 countries, and proficiency in over 80 languages.
Diverse preferences, interests, and skills
Find participants by their real-world behaviors, beliefs, interests, and other unique characteristics. Filter for any combination of attributes, from vaccinated voters to ambidextrous polyglots with pet fish.
Subject matter experts
Get insights from domain experts in fields like law, healthcare, computer science, math, and more. Filter by leadership roles, work experience, or education to get the specialized insights you need.
High-quality responses, every time
Our participants are renowned for their detailed, thoughtful free-text responses and creative input. Whether it’s text, voice, video, images, or interaction-driven feedback, you’ll receive top-tier data to help you iterate faster and launch ahead of the competition.
Protocol data quality

Run research faster with Prolific

Our proprietary Protocol algorithm performs 47+ rigorous checks, instantly detecting and eliminating bots, bad actors, and low-quality respondents—ensuring only top-tier participants engage with your tasks.

Bot detection
IP duplication
Researcher feedback
Attention checks
Honesty checks
ID checks

Features & capabilities

300+ audience filters
Our 300+ filters allow you to create custom, diverse, or representative groups from our crowd. You can also add custom screeners to your studies or invite your own network to participate. We always show up front how many participants match your criteria, ensuring efficient use of your budget.
Built in tools for participant re-engagement
We offer built-in tools to save and re-invite the same participants to your research. You can organize participants into different, easily accessible groups, or use our messaging system for tight feedback loops. Perfect for longitudinal studies or AI development.
Comprehensive audience sampling
Run research with representative samples in the US and UK, or use our quota sampling feature to ensure your sample represents the key traits in the wider population.
How our customers use Prolific

Trusted by researchers, AI/ML developers, and leading organizations in academia and across industries.

Research the future of work
By offering a user-friendly platform, pre-verified participants, and advanced screening options, Prolific enabled Asana to immediately customize their target audience with extreme precision.
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High-skilled annotators
Shovels used Prolific to find high-skilled, specialist participants to label building permits. These labels form the basis of quality datasets that become a baseline for the accuracy of their AI model.
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Text-to-image AI models
Prolific’s streamlined participant management process meant researchers could achieve a high level of engagement and satisfaction among participants. This was necessary for obtaining high-quality data.
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Carnegie Mellon University

Start now, see results later today

There’s no set-up cost. Just pay each participant for their response, plus Prolific’s platform fee on top.